home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Virus checker AREXX script for periodical invocation */
- if ~show('l','rexxreqtools.library') then
- call addlib('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30,0)
- if ~show('l','rexxsupport.library') then
- call addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0)
- NL = '0a'x
- listing = showdir('Q:',"F") /* look for files in Q: */
- if listing = "" then
- exit /* exit if none */
- else
- /* make sure that the dup directory is empty first! */
- listing = showdir('DL:dup',"F")
- if listing ~= "" then
- do
- address command
- 'playsound sfx:voice/attention.ssmp quiet'
- call rtezrequest( " WARNING!" || NL ||,
- " ~~~~~~~~" || NL ||,
- "Dup directory is not" || NL ||,
- "Empty! Unable to scan files!", "EXIT")
- exit
- end
- else
- call rtezrequest('Scan files now?','Yes|No')
- select
- when rtresult=1 then
- signal scan
- otherwise
- exit
- scan:
- /* if ~exists(Virus_Checker) */
- address 'Virus_CheckerII' 'scan dh1:quarantine'
- /* Q: dir checker to check for*/
- /* any virri in the new files */
- /* and move them to DL: */
- err = 0
- r = 0
- /* command to check directories and compare files */
- options results
- address command
- 'dh0:progs/ls -mCIf Q: >t:vc1'
- call open('the_file','t:vc1','R')
- do until EOF('the_file')
- j = readln('the_file')
- if j = '' then
- signal done
- else
- /* say "moving file "||j */
- r = exists('dl:'||j) /* r=1 then we have the file already existing */
- if r = 1 then
- do
- address command
- 'move q:'|| j ||' to dl:dup/'||j
- err = err + 1
- ef.err = j
- /* incriment error counter for later use */
- end
- else
- do
- /* just move the file normally */
- address command
- 'move q:'|| j || ' DL: clone'
- /* say "all ok" */
- end
- end
- done:
- call close('the_file')
- address command
- 'rm t:vc1 quiet'
- say 'Finished...'
- if err ~= 0 then
- do
- /* say err || ' file/s already existing.' */
- address command
- 'playsound sfx:voice/attention.ssmp quiet'
- call rtezrequest( " WARNING!" || NL ||,
- " ~~~~~~~~" || NL ||,
- err || " files were put in the DL:DUP directory" || NL ||,
- "because there a file of the same name/s already" || NL ||,
- "exsisted in DL: Please attend to ASAP!", "EXIT")
- end
- /* */